Lucy Fernandez
Fernandez, L. (2024). Teachers designing student voice initiatives: an exploration of possibilities and perceived risks. Teacher Development, 1-19.
Fernandez, L., Heng, M. A., & Kim Eng, C. L. (2022). Voices on “voice”: A juxtaposition of teachers’ and students’ perspectives on the possibilities and challenges of student voice in teaching and learning. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(3), 542-555.
Fernandez, L.O; Heng, Mary Anne & Lee, C. (2020, April). Student Voice in Teaching and Learning: A Tale of Two Experienced Teachers. Paper presented at AERA 2020 (i-Presentation due to Covid), San Francisco, United States.
Fernandez, L.O; Heng, M.A. & Lee, C. (2019, November). What helps or hinders learning? Exploring ‘student voice' in teaching and learning. Paper presented at International Conference of Educational Sciences (ICES), Kota Bandung, Indonesia (Best Paper at Breakout).
Fernandez, L.O (2020, March). Differentiated Instruction, NIE Perspectives.
Fernandez, L.O. (2019, December). Leveraging Student Voice to Differentiate Instruction Singteach, 71, 6-7.
Fernandez, L.O. (2019). Are We Listening? Exploring Perspectives, Possibilities and Pitfalls of Student Voice from the Singapore classroom (unpublished doctoral dissertation). National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Fernandez, L.O (2018, March). Designing For and With Differentiated Instruction Principles LearINg @ NIE, 2, 10-11.
Fernandez, L.O. (2017, September). Student Voice in Curriculum Development. Keynote at the 2nd International Conference on GCED: Platform on Pedagogy and Practice, Seoul, Korea
Fernandez, L.O. (2017, September). Plenary Session 4: A way forward. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on GCED: Platform on Pedagogy and Practice, Seoul, Korea
Fernandez, L.O. (2017). Student Voice in Curriculum Development. Seoul: APCEIU, Korea.
Fernandez, L.O (2017, December). Encouraging the Heart of the Matter: 'Student Voice' Gives Students Ownership of their Own Learning Development SangSaeng, 49, p 29-32.
Fernandez, L.O; Abas, A.,Mohd Salleh, A.,Chionh, C.P.,Norsinah M. & Lim, P.L. (2018). Quality Thinking Articulated. In Abu Bakar, M.,Lim-Ratnam, Christina & Fernandez, L. (Eds.), Curriculum Designs: For Teachers, By Teachers (Vol 2) (pp. 157-174).
Heng, M. A., & Fernandez, L. O. (2017). Re-examining differentiation: Big ideas and misguided notions. In Tan, K. H. K., Heng, M. A., & Ratnam-Lim, C. (Eds.), Curriculum leadership by middle leaders: Theory, design and practice (pp. 104-124 ). Abingdon: Routledge.
Lim-Ratnam, C., Fernandez, L.O., & Abu-Bakar, M. (Eds.). (2015). Curriculum Designs: For Teachers, By Teachers. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Fernandez, L.O. (2015). Differentiated Instruction: Making sense of it. In C. Lim-Ratnam, L. Fernandez, & M. Abu Bakar (eds.). Curriculum Designs: For teachers, by teachers (pp. 7-13). Singapore: Pearson.
Fernandez, L.O., Chui G. V., Choo, A. C.J., Lee, P.Y. Y., Wong, S. C.K., & Goh, W. W.C. (2015). Inquiry in the History classroom. In Lim-Ratnam, C., Fernandez, L.O., & Abu Bakar, M. (Eds.), Curriculum Designs for teachers, by teachers, pp. 63-76. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia.
Fernandez, L.O., Kaur, K., Lazar, F.S., Veerapan, K., Abas, S., & Wong, S.Y. (2015). Creating a more coherent English language curriculum. In Lim-Ratnam, C., Fernandez, L.O., & Abu Bakar, M. (Eds.), Curriculum designs for teachers, by teachers, pp. 105-116. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia.
Fernandez, L.O, Heng, M. A., & Lee, K. E. C. (2014, April). Attitudes to student voices in teaching and learning in Singapore. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, United States.